Witch Hunter Core Book Index
Table of Contents


10 Rule - Exceeding with HP 84
Abilities 49
Ability Damage 109
Active Defense 106
Adventurer 37
Agility 50
Aim 106
Animal Control - V Power 262
Animism 122
Apostles of the New Dawn 19
Apparition - V Power 258
Armor 101
Armor - Movement 105
Armor - V Power 255
Artisan 37
Ascetics of the Ten Persecutions 21
Attack 104
Attacking - Steeds/Vehicles 110
Awakening - Rite 122
Backgrounds 37
Basic Animism 122
Basic Diabolic 248
Basic Hermetic 127
Basic Necromantic 251
Basic Prayer 132
Basic Witchcraft 253
Blasphemous Truths - V Rite 250
Blessing - Rite 132
Blindness 116
Bond of Blood - V Rite 123
Brave 39
Break 106
Bureaucrat 39
Carnivate - V Power 255
Carrying 114
Charge 106
Charlatan 39
Charm - Rite 253
Charm Table 58
Chilling Wind - V Power 262
Circle of Binding - Rite 127
Circle of Summoning - V Rite 248
Climate - Movement 113
Clothing 96
Cocoon of the Weaver - Rite 124
Combat 103
Combat - Modifiers 108
Combat Maneuvers 106
Compel Truth - Rite 134
Consciousness 109
Corpus Powers 255
Courage 52
Courtier 40
Cover 108
Create Monstrous Spawn - V Power 259
Create Undead Spawn - V Power 259
Crippling Strike - V Power 259
Crusaders Inviolate 23
Damage 108
Damnation 85
Deafness 116
Debilitating Aura - V Power 262
Destroy Villain Soul 85
Diabolic Presence -V Rite 249
Diabolism 248
Diagram of Insight - Rite 128
Diplomat 40
Disarm 106
Disease 115
Divine Reward - Rite 134
Dodge 106
Dread of the Dark One - V Rite 249
Durability - V Power 255
Education 51
Eldritch Blast - Rite 129
Elusive - V Power 258
Embodying the Totem - Rite 122
Encumberance 114
Engulf - V Power 260
Entertainer 40
Equipment 94
Exchange of Hurts - Rite 133
Exorcism - Rite 132
Explorer 40
Falling 115
Fear 116
Feint 107
Fellowship of the Ashen Cross 25
Fighting Skills 54
Fire 115
First Circle of Binding - Rite 127
Flight - V Power 258
Folk Healer 41
Foresight - V Power 263
Freezing Touch - V Power 260
Frightening Call - V Power 263
Fury - V Power 260
Gestalt Body - V Power 255
Ghost People 27
Grapple 107
Grave Robber 41
Greater Animism 123
Greater Diabolic 250
Greater Hermitic 130
Greater Necromantic 242
Greater Prayer 133
Greater Witchcraft 254
Guard 41
Halo of Awe - Rite 133
Healing 109
Healing - Herbalism 65
Health Track 51
Heavenly Shield - Rite 133
Hermeticism 126
Hero Points 84
Heroic Animism 125
Heroic Hermetic 131
Heroic Prayer 134
Hex - Rite 253
Holy Water 116
Holy Weapon - Rite 134
Hunger 115
Hunter 41
Ice Form - V Power 256
Immortality - V Power 263
Immunity - V Power 256
Improving Skills 56
Infectious Persona - V Power 260
Inquisitor 42
Intangibility - V Power 256
Interaction 104
Interaction Skills 55
Intuition 53
Invisibility - V Power 256
Invulnerability - V Power 263
Judgement - Rite 133
Jumping - V Power 259
Knit the Flesh - Rite 123
Knock-Down 107
Laborer 42
Languages - Skill 68
Languages - Starting 52
Lawyer 42
Levitate - V Rite 254
Light Bringers 28
Limned in Fire - V Rite 249
Longsight - V Power 263
Losing Consciousness 109
Loss of Senses 116
Magician's Mark - Rite 129
Mark of Dominion - Rite 131
Mark of the Minion - Rite 130
Mastery of the Elements - Rite 124
Mental Illness 117
Mercenary 42
Merchant 43
Midwife 43
Mimicry Mask - V Power 257
Mist Form - V Power 257
Monastic Clergy 43
Money 93
Monstrous Form - V Power 257
Mortal Mask - V Power 257
Move 105
Movement 113
Movement Powers 258
Movement Skills 55
Mystic Blast - V Power 261
Mystic Bolt - V Power 261
Mystical Powers 262
Nanny 43
Navigator 44
Necromancy 251
New Talents 71
Occultist 44
Offensive Powers 259
Opening the Way - Rite 130
Orders 19
Parry 107
Peronality 53
Physician 44
Poison 115
Portal to Hell - V Rite 250
Prayer 131
Priest 44
Professional - Combat 105
Projection - Rite 251
Prophetic Vision - Rite 133
Prostitute 45
Pursuit 110
Pursuit - Environment 113
Raise the Dead - V Rite 252
Rampage - V Power 261
Rapid Attack 107
Reaction Skills 55
Reactions 105
Reanimate the Dead - V Rite 251
Reason 52
Reckless Attack 107
Regeneration - V Power 258
Revolutionary 45
Rewards 118
Rites 120
Sailor 45
Sap Ability - V Power 261
Scholar 45
Scout 46
Scry - V Rite 254
Seance - V Rite 251
Sensory Loss 116
Servant 46
Set for Charge 107
Settler 46
Shaman 46
Shapeshift - V Rite 254
Shield - Rite 131
Sigil of Sundering - Rite 131
Sigil of Warding - Rite 129
Sins 87
Siren Call - V Power 264
Skill Descriptions 56
Skills 53
Slave 47
Slumbering Death - Rite 252
Smuggler 47
Soldier 47
Soothing Song - Rite 133
Sorcerous Tradition - Skill 68
Sorcery 119
Speech of the first times - Rite 123
Spirit Brother - Rite 125
Spirit Father - Rite 126
Spriit Son - Rite 123
Spy 47
Stalkers of the Unseen Hunt 29
Stalwarts of St. Christopher 31
Starting Wealth 93
Steeds 109
Strength 50
Strength - Feats 114
Strip Power - Rite 134
Subterfuge 107
Suffocations 116
Suggestive - V Power 264
Summon Greater Minion - V Power 264
Summon Lesser Minion - V Power 264
Summoning of the Unseen - Rite 130
Sunwise Circle 33
Supernatural Poison - V Power 21
Survival Points 118
Talents 71
Talents - Table 72
Terrain 113
The Unseen Hand - Rite 250
Thief 48
Thirst 116
Threat Powers 255
Thug 48
Tools 97
Toughness 51
Trance of Suffering Banished - Rite 123
Trap Ghost - Rite 252
Trapped in Darkness - Rite 250
True Faith 85
Two-Weapon Attack 107
Vehicles 109
Villainous Necromantic 252
Villainous Witchcraft 254
Villanous Diabolic 250
Virtues 90
Wall Crawling - V Power 259
Wall of Steel 107
Wealth 93
Weapons 98
Wearing the Beast's Skin - Rite 125
Weather Control - V Power 265
Will 52
Witchcraft 253
Withering Touch - V Power 262


Basic Talents 75
Convey Power - G Talent 77
Greater 78
Heroic 79
Lucky 80
Meditative Trance 80
Permanent Rite 81
Pious 81
Skilled 82
Sorcerous Tradition Skill 68
Sorcery 119
Talented 82


A Disarming Blow 138
A Hundred Blows at Once 136
Acciaio Mantello 135
Armor Piercing Shot 75
Attack Focus 75
Attack Specialist 75
Balanced Strikes 136
Basic Fighting Style 75
Bind and Should Smash 136
Blade and Mind are One 138
Brutal Charge 76
Canny Fighter 76
Circle of Blood 138
Cloak and Blade 135
Cloak Dance 135
Cloak Mastery 135
Combat 104
Deadeye Shot 77
Deft Disarm 77
Dual Thrust 136
Expertise 78
Faith Guides my Hand 137
Faith in Steel 136
Faith is my Armor 136
Fast Draw 78
Fe En Acero 136
Fighting Traditions 135
Final Dance 136
Flawless Technique 137
Flor Di Battaglia 137
Flower of Battle 137
Greater Fighting Style 78
Heart of the Lion 137
Hidden Blade 135
Humiliating Attack 79
Iron Fisted 79
Iron Grip 80
Lightning Draw 80
Lightning Reload 80
Like a Hot Knife Through Butter 138
Like an Eggshell 137
Lost in the Fold 135
Lucky 80
Marksman 80
Master of all Weapons 137
Mi Fe es Mi Arma 137
Meeting the Charge 138
Mi Alma es Mi Fuerza 136
My Blade is My Armor 138
My Faith is my Weapon 137
My Soul is my Strength 136
Never Unarmed 137
No Blade May Touch me 138
Patience of the Lynx 137
Penetrating Shot 81
Pinning Shot 81
Prudentiale Celeritas 137
Pugilist 81
Ricochet Shot 82
Riposte 82
Sacrifices must be Made 137
Shattering Attack 82
Skilled 82
Speed Loader 82
Speed of the Tiger 137
Stab and Shoot 82
Steel Cloak 135
Strike of Precision 138
Sweep 82
Talented 82
The Biting Blade 138
The Perfect Union 138
Two Arrow Shot 83

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